How to do social media for B2B?

When a company is interested in generating a social media strategy, that interest is constantly generated because its competition uses social networks, or its competition has many followers, or worse still, its competition is selling through social networks. But before defining what type of social media strategy is best for me, I must first define if my business is B2B.

What is B2B social media?

According to what we have seen in its definition, we should highlight that it is not about selling to individuals (B2C), but rather direct sales to companies.

This makes a big difference, because here the emotional and impulse purchases are left aside, to give priority only to real needs when closing a negotiation.

Furthermore, B2B is characterized by:

  • Purchasing processes that require technical information, in addition to detailed segmentation.
  • Contact with clients in B2B marketing, in many cases requires the effort of an entire department that works through the web and social networks.
  • The B2B business model focuses its strategy on more personalized (and not massive) negotiation actions.
  • The high cost of attracting a new customer in B2B sales forces us to focus a good part of the inbound strategies, that is, implementing good after-sales service.

How to use Social Media for B2B marketing?

  1. Show identity, speak closely, from person to person. Humanizing the company's networks allows us to generate more engagement with the individuals behind the companies' decisions.  
  2. In any social media strategy it is essential to start with an investigation of what is being done in the market, especially companies in the same field. Remember, just because your social media strategy doesn't mean you should throw it away, on the contrary, you just need the right strategy.
  3. To stand out in the feed you have to generate attractive content, whether through short videos, storytelling, stories, interaction posts, success stories, etc. The key thing is for companies to stop perceiving themselves as serious or boring.
  4. The person or team in charge of social networks (whether internal or external) must work collaboratively with the other teams of the company, to create an identity and a voice in Social Media, beyond the content that is published.

What type of content works best for B2B?

  • attractive images
  • Relevant infographics
  • |
  • Blogs

The most important tip of all:

Don't start looking for leads, start looking for brand presence.

A Social Media strategy for B2B has the main purpose of generating brand presence, so that your potential clients keep it in mind.

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